Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Discussion Part A: Confidence

Last week we assigned ourselves to guide a discussion on a GIRLtopia topic as a part of our Guide It! section. For more information on this portion of our project, see the Guide It! tab

My topic was confidence. Confidence is belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities, according to our GIRLtopia book. However, we think confidence is the full trust appearance one has when given a challenge with others. The last two words are the most important. We discussed others need to be present in order to have confidence. I think of this like you would a conflict in a book. You need a force and an opposing force to have a conflict, right? So, in order to have confidence someone or thing (I am thinking of your mind when I say 'thing') that needs convincing. We used the example of an island. If you are stranded on an island and you come across a problem, you don't have 'confidence', you know your abilities and you have motivation. But if you are missing one of these concepts, then you need to have confidence in yourself (this is where the mind plays in). We decided what gives us confidence, that even faking confidence is okay, because confidence is how you appear, not how you feel (disagree with anything we say? comment below!), that others can build confidence for you by giving you a motive, urging you on, or providing positive feedback, and that confidence is definitely a trait that leaders need to have. We also concluded that the word confidence and confide are related. Remember how I said you need someone to convince in order to have confidence? This could easily be replace with confide. Confidence is the appearance of full trust and to confide is to trust.


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